Special Dietary Needs and Preferences

Frisco ISD café staff understand the importance of knowing the name and meeting the nutritional needs of each child.

Students with a Food Allergy, Intolerance or Medical Disability

Frisco ISD can provide an alternate menu for students with a severe food allergy, intolerance or medical disability once the District receives documentation signed by a medical authority licensed to write prescriptions by the state or if the meal accommodation is written into the students individualized education program (IEP). 

Meal accommodations are provided for students who have:

  • A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, including eating. Example: Digestion is an example of a bodily function that is a major life activity. A student whose digestion is impaired by lactose intolerance may be a person with a disability, regardless of whether or not consuming milk causes the student severe distress.

  • Food allergies that may result in severe, life-threatening anaphylactic reactions

Complete the Special Diet Accommodations Form
Step 1: Complete the Special Diet Accommodation Form.
Step 2: Submit the form to specialdiets@friscoisd.org

A new form is not required each year; however, any changes to a student’s dietary needs must be updated and include a signed statement from a licensed physician/healthcare provider or updated in the student's IEP. To remove a special dietary accommodation, please email specialdiets@friscoisd.org.

Meal Account and Dietary Preferences

Menu accommodations cannot be made for personal requests, including personal and cultural preferences. However, menus are planned with various options, including at least one meatless option daily, which may include egg or cheese. The menu's nutrition information is available at SchoolCafé.

A restriction can be added to your student's account to alert the café staff of your student’s dietary preference. However, it is the student's responsibility to choose foods that fit their dietary needs. 

If a guardian would like to add a restriction to a student's account regarding specific eating preferences (i.e., no pork, no beef, etc.). 

Complete the Dietary Preference Form
Step 1: Complete the Cafe Food Preference Form.
Step 2: Submit the form to friscocafe@friscoisd.org

A new form is not required each year.

If a student comes to school without food, if food is damaged/destroyed during the school day, or if emergency meals are required to be served at this campus, the student will be allowed to purchase a meal, even if the guardian has restricted a student from making purchases on their account. To modify or remove account restrictions, please email friscocafe@friscoisd.org.