Electrocardiogram Screenings (ECG)

Frisco ISD cares about your child’s heart health, so we are partnering with The Cody Stephens Go Big Or Go Home Memorial Foundation (GBOGH) to screen students with an ECG (electrocardiogram). An ECG, also known as an EKG, can detect issues in the heart that can be missed in a standard physical. Please consider signing up your child for this very important screening.

A simple cardiac screening can help detect problems before they become major medical issues. While we recommend all active students get an ECG, you should definitely be screened if you:

  • compete in high impact sports that increases heart rate for long periods of time

  • have a family history indicating that there is a heart disease risk

  • get dizziness during athletics

  • experience fainting spells or weakness while participating

  • get shortness of breath that does not clear quickly

  • get chest pain while participating